Today’s guest contributor is Kevin from Ohio. His note reminds me of how exciting it is to come out of darkness and into the light. You can sense Kevin’s wonder and awe of how God is working in his life and answering his prayers. Here’s a portion of his story.
Read MoreDay 89: Attitude of Gratitude
Today’s guest contributor is an older saint who attends our church named Greg. This is only part of his note—which was way longer than 250 words! Thanks Greg for sharing :)
Read MoreDay 88: Still Small Voice
Today’s guest contributor is a young man named Derek who attends our church here in Providence with his lovely wife Diana and their two beautiful children.
Read MoreDay 87: Sweet Anticipation
You are receiving this on the morning of what has been traditionally called “Palm Sunday” in the Church. It is a time to remember the story in the gospels of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey. I’m sure your pastors will be preaching on this story at your church this morning, so I won’t expound on all the details. But I do believe it offers something valuable in our pursuit of God.
Read MoreDay 86: Singing the Blues
If you are one of those naturally happy-go-lucky people who never gets discouraged, you may find today’s letter unrelatable. I’m writing today for all my friends out there with a bend toward melancholy. You know who you are. You get easily discouraged and even depressed at times. I’m with you.
Read MoreDay 85: Compelled
Today’s guest contributor is someone out there whom I’ve not met yet, named Cheryl. Thank you Cheryl for your sweet note. I’m praying that the Lord will continue to grow your relationship with Him until the end of the 100 days—and all the days of your life. Here’s the email she sent:
Read MoreDay 84: Affection
Today our guest contributor is a lovely woman from our church named Linda Waugh.
Read MoreDay 83: Carried
I can’t remember the last time I felt so depleted. The last few days have been a blur as I’ve been back and forth to the hospital supporting someone close to me (they are back home now and doing well). All this started on Saturday evening, and I landed back home from the E.R. about 2 am, and then rose early to prepare to preach my Sunday sermon. To add to the stress my daughter had her drivers test the next day that I promised to accompany her in (she did it!). I managed to write my 100 Day letters in spare moments. Last night I wrote it in the E.R. with the sounds of medical equipment, health professionals coming in and out, and some guy screaming and swearing a few doors down. For about 48 hours everything was flipped upside down.
Read MoreDay 82: Abiding While Busy
We’ll start out today with another wonderful contribution from the 100 Day community. This one is from Alli Leson. She has been part of our church family since her college days at Rhode Island School of Design. Now she’s all grown up, has a beautiful family and has bloomed into one of the most godly women I know. Enjoy.
Read MoreDay 81: How to Find Life
Hello All! Today we have our first contribution from the 100 Day family. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can refer to my letter on day 79 called “Power of Story.” Okay, here’s the story from the city by the bay.
Read MoreDay 80: Slow Bloom
Am I making any progress in this pursuit? Am I growing in my relationship with God? Has all this effort brought me closer to the Lord? How do I even know if I’m growing?
Read MoreDay 79: Power of Story
Hello 100 Day Pursuers! Can you believe we are on day 79? I pray that my letters to you would not fade or fizzle in any way. Please cover me in prayer that I might finish strong. Thanks!
Read MoreDay 78: Sweet and Sour
If you enjoy Asian foods, you recognize the interesting mix of sweet and sour flavors found in certain dishes. Usually, the sweet is some kind of sugar, and the sour is vinegar or lemon. Delicious!
What works for food, however, does not work in the Christian life. We cannot have a sour attitude toward people and a sweet intimacy with Christ. The two just don’t mix.
Read MoreDay 77: Lament
A simple definition of the word lament is this: a strong expression of grief, sorrow or regret. The Bible is full of lament. At our church prayer meeting this week, one of our ministers gave a compelling teaching on lament, showing the deep expressions of grief of people in the Word.
Read MoreDay 76: Secret Closet
I want to talk to you today about one of the great problems of the human heart: pride. Pride comes in a variety of expressions, but I just want to talk about the pride that angles to get praise from people. It’s not just the sin of boasting, but it’s the inward motive of secretly lusting to be recognized, praised and admired by others.
Read MoreDay 75: Like a Child
One of my first girl crushes was Tinker Bell. Well, it was more than a crush. We had a relationship for a season. Somehow she must have found out that I liked her because she came to my house. She pursued me, though sometimes she’d play hard-to-get. She only appeared occasionally, and she’d only stay for short periods of time. Because she lived in a mystical world, I couldn’t see her form with detail, but just the light glowing around her. Just like in Peter Pan, Tink didn’t speak audibly, but boy did she know how to communicate. I’d ask her all sorts of questions—mostly yes and no type questions—and she would nod one way or the other. I vividly remember asking her where she lived, and she bid me to follow her down the long hallway and then pointed to the small door that led into our attic. She lives in our attic!
Read MoreDay 74: Let Him In
Hey everyone! I’m going to skip the subheadings today because this one is more of a letter from my heart and less like a devotion. It’s a little different. Enjoy.
I just got off the phone with a friend I’ve known for 30 years from my NYC days. It’s so refreshing to talk with someone I would share almost anything with. In our relationships we tend to share varying degrees of our heart.
Read MoreDay 73: Fire
I’ve always thought fireflies were so cool. Against the dark backdrop of deep woods in my backyard as a kid I remember the fireflies appeared with their gorgeous little glow. I looked it up and found that “Fireflies are nocturnal members of the Lampyridae family. The name comes from the Greek ‘lampein’ which means to shine.” Interesting. They have what appears from a distance to be a little fire inside their belly. Even kids who don’t like insects seem to be attracted to these flying fires. They seem to move in clusters. It’s a picture of the Church as burning lights shining in a dark world.
Read MoreDay 72: Surpassing Glory
I want to talk to you today about the oceans of grace available to us in Christ Jesus. We have been chosen by God, adopted by God, to share His riches. It is the Father’s desire that we would obtain so much of what He lavishes that our very lives would declare the goodness of the Lord.
Read MoreDay 71: Show Me Your Glory
My earliest memories of thinking about God were at about seven years old. We were living in Enfield, Connecticut in a neighborhood with humble ranch houses that each had spacious yards. My yard had a small pool, a giant sandbox, a tin shed, plenty of lounge chairs for making forts in the summer, and a willow tree.
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