It has become common for Christians to disregard the clear commands of God. Not only is sin practiced but not much is thought of it. There’s no brokenness, no shame. Pastor Scott breaks down the message of Jesus to the church in Sardis (Revelation 3). Sardis had a reputation of being alive but the Lord said they were dead and their works were incomplete. It’s a reminder that man looks at the outward but God sees the heart. In a sidebar Scott lays out ten of the most commonly disregarded commands that he’s seen in this generation. The call of God to the dead Sardis Christians is to wake up, remember what God has done for them and repent. The call to get right is not presented as optional but comes with a grave warning that if they don’t make things right God will come against them in judgment. This is an unusually sobering message bearing down on anything in the life of a Christian that is dead. When the church fully aligns with God’s Word the glorious result is that the Spirit rests upon her and life is manifested.