Starting this Sunday and through November we will be doing a special campaign to raise money for a much needed elevator lift at Ren. The installation of a lift is quite costly and the best quote we have gotten was still about $30,000 not including construction and electrical. I'd like to see us use our collective force of generosity and just whip this thing. As a community last year we raised $150,000 to make the overall renovation happen. Wow. Let's do it again this Fall with passion.
The reality is that after getting through the renovation we are still in survival mode financially. We have been meeting our monthly budget but we have not generated enough income to really replenish our cushion and to save for an elevator lift. I'm believing God that we would increase financially in this season as we are increasing spiritually. We presently do not receive any outside support and have not for many years. All of the operational expenses, salaries and outreach efforts are funded by the generation donations of people who attend the church and either drop a check in the bucket Sunday or give online through the website. The giving is good but it needs to be great.
What I mean by this is that everyone needs to be playing a part. Some at Ren give very consistently 10% or more of their income into the work of the local church. Others give much less or not at all. As I've talked with people over the years I've found that those who under-give reason that other people make more money and can afford to give. They reason that they just don't make enough to give. I'm convinced that every single person who receives spiritual blessing at Ren, whether making $100 month or $10,000 a month, should be giving at least 10%.
If we all did that, two things would result. First, and most importantly, our giving as a church would come up as a memorial to God and would be like a sweet smelling fragrance to the Father (Philippians 4). I'm praying that we'd be a church to moves the heart of God by our generosity! Secondly, we would be overflowing with resources and able to fulfill the dreams God has put in our hearts. Instead of just surviving, we would be able to overflow and expand staff, create ministries, get our cafe opened, and impact the neighborhood in greater ways. We'd be able to bless local church plants.
We aren't rigid about giving 10% and as elders we don't see who's giving what. It's between you and God. The 10% is not a legalistic rule to be obeyed but I believe it is a divine strategy. God could have easily asked for 5% or 7%. But I believe He asks for 10% because mathematically when churches do this with one heart the result is a dramatic overflow that can impact beyond the walls of the church.
So if you are still reading this and you are holding back I'd ask you to step into generosity as a virtue. God knows you can't afford to give 10% but He challenges us to trust in Him. When we put a priority on investing in His kingdom He notices and He will make our finances work. And when we hoard our money He has a way of disciplining us by poking a hole in our purse (read Haggai).
May God awaken a spirit of generosity at Ren in this season!
–Pastor Scott A.