There's no question that in recent days the Lord has been stirring the church. Many have been breaking down and getting a fresh passion for Christ. The last few Sunday gatherings have been marked by the palpable presence of God. There have also been an unusually large number of people to the point that we are ordering more chairs. This is a wonderful problem to have!
The simple message that seems to be coming through from God is not a new message. It's something that God has burned into us for years but is being awakened. God has been reminding us of His great love for people and His desire to pour out His Spirit upon our city. The simple call is to persistently pray night and day until God breaks forth with downpours of grace that result in deep conversions.
I want to encourage each of us to not settle for any sort of short-lived excitement. Go deep. Let God really establish you in close relationship with Christ. Our time in this earth is relatively short. Don't waste your days. Live for eternity. Seek first, above everything, the kingdom of God. Spend yourself in knowing God and making Him known. Before we know it we are going to blink and find ourselves standing before the glory of the Eternal God. Our life on earth will be past. So let's give our all to fulfill God's purpose in our lives while we have breath in our lungs.
–Pastor Scott A.