City to Come

Spent the day at Lake Compounce with Madeline’s class. I was a chaperone for about 8 middle school girls. I think the kids had fun but there was something almost a bit sad about the entire experience. An amusement park is created to be a sort of catch-all experience of all the best kid cravings. Candy, junk food, free soda, thrills, amusement, games and gifts abound. Sexual tension charges the atmosphere. This is meant to be everything you could wish for on a day. At least when you are 13. But for many, the day ends in disappointment and even a measure of depression. Like if this doesn’t make me happy nothing will. 


It made me think about the future kingdom of God called New Jerusalem. There will be no indulgence and no selfishness. There will be no mischief and no lust. There will be no lack of satisfaction either. Christ will illuminate everything and will be in the center. All people will be in harmony worshipping God. There will be industry, creative endeavors and unbridled advancement I imagine. But all will be done with the smile of Father God in view. The design of this glory cube will be brilliant and the beauty will be like nothing we’ve ever seen. The company of God-lovers will overflow with love for one another and the “streets with resound with singing”. There will be no pain, no war, no temptation and no crying. There will be no more internal conflict. The heart will be purified and settled into its posture of humility and love for Christ. I long for this better day and I long to tell the world about it.

- Scott A