“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.” Daniel 2:22
INTRO: Welcome to room number three, “Light Reveals”. Take your time in this room, searching for treasures with the light you’ve been given. Many of them are concealed, so feel free to push back fabric or open things. Notice how light reveals things that otherwise would not be visible. Imagine walking through this room without light; how much would you miss out on? Without light we cannot see beauty, even if that beauty is all around us.
The Bible teaches that we are born spiritually blind and we cannot see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God (2 Corinthians 4). Though we do have some perception of the existence and power of God (Rom 1) we cannot see his glory. Many people, in fact, think God is a killjoy or that He’s a boring man in the sky or that He’s unnecessary. They don’t perceive the stunning beauty of God who is described in the Bible as full of splendor and majesty. They can’t see it. Jesus said, in fact, that we cannot see the kingdom of God unless we are born again. The natural man cannot see the things of God (1 Corinthians 2). Until God’s light shines upon our hearts we simply cannot fully see Jesus Christ and will not have any appetite or affection for him. But when that light begins to dawn we are melted by his beauty and almost irresistibly drawn.
PRAYER: I can’t see you, God. So many things feel hidden from me. It’s like I’m wandering around in a dark room, and I need your light. You are a hidden treasure, but I can’t find you or see you unless you reveal yourself to me, unless you shine your light on my heart. Please, God, I want to know you, to see who you really are. Shine your light upon me, so I can see clearly. Reveal your beauty and goodness!