Most Christians know that love is important and should be the distinguishing feature of the Christian life. The problem is living out the fullness of this love. Christians can be unloving, unforgiving, petty, competitive, rude, selfish, passive aggressive, bitter and so on. Many Christians love until they are wronged, hurt or offended in some way. They have a fragile love easily quenched. What is the secret to having a strong love that isn’t shaken by the wrongs done to us? How can we live out the teachings of Jesus to love our enemies and do good to those who spitefully use us? Scott expounds on 1John4:7-11 and explores the importance of cultivating a change of mind in order to love like Christ. There are some ideas communicated about the sovereignty of God that, if understood, could revolutionize the whole way we respond to mistreatment against us.