It is a constant daily inner battle to combat our own slothfulness. It’s natural for us to want to sleep too much, relax too much, waste too much time, spend precious time and energy on lesser things, and so on. It’s not that we want to do this — but the impulses of the body are powerful! Jesus said, “the flesh is weak.” But if we allow bodily impulses to control us, we will suffer consequences. What is needed is a clear vision of the kind of life we are called to live and a deep conviction that it is of greater worth to suffer for God’s will than enjoy the fleeting pleasure of bodily indulgence. We are called to work hard in all the areas of life God has entrusted us to steward, namely, our jobs, our houses, our families, our finances, our bodies, our time and energy, our talents, our church. The Lord places man in the garden (Gen 2) and calls him “to work it and keep it.” Being a sluggard means to be habitually lazy. Laziness is not only sin but it will negatively affect every single area of our lives.