One of the sweetest invitations of God to His people is to draw near. As the Psalmist said, “the nearness of God is my only good”. Many Christians, however, live at a distance from God. Some have become disillusioned because they have prayed a lot but it has not resulted in the joy of nearness. Why? This message teaches the important association between nearness and thinking rightly about sin. Psalm 34 tells us the Lord is near to the broken and contrite. We must address our sin thoroughly to experience intimacy with God. We can’t deny sin, downplay sin, justify sin or compensate for sin. Sin must be viewed as exceedingly sinful and a thing never to be tolerated in our hearts because sin hardens us and separates us from God. When we cultivate this sensitivity to sin we find mercy from the Lord and the tangible nearness of God’s presence becomes our delight.