Ephesians 4:26-27
Anger has caused more ruin than perhaps any other thing. It has destroyed marriages, friendships, churches, companies, music groups and entire nations. It is the reason for violence and has led to hundreds of thousands of people being slaughtered in battle. Many people are in prison for life because of anger. It’s not a new problem but is as old as Cain and Abel. Learning to tame this “tiger” is essential in order to possess a joyful life. Many people are in despair secretly over the way anger hijacks their heart and drives them to say and do foolish things. Or the way they are plunged into an inward confusion. There’s hope. Even the most angry people can learn from the Master (Jesus) and become meek and lowly in heart. This is the wonder and glory of God’s grace! This message will teach you not only how to control your anger when it surfaces, but teach you how to become the kind of person who is slow to anger by default.