Ephesians 5:5-9
From every direction, the world attempts to bring us into agreement with its way of viewing things. We are told that things the Bible defines as sin are not sin. What people of God have called sin for thousands of years is now denied or downplayed, and in some cases, celebrated. In these verses, God is urging us through the apostle to not be deceived by empty words. The Scriptures not only condemn much of what is considered normal and natural to practice in society—sex before marriage, homosexuality, bisexuality, lusting in the heart, filthy talk, and so on—but God says that “because of these things the wrath of God comes”. We live in a day when good is called evil and evil is called good. Few people seem to realize that there are consequences for sin beyond the grave. This message is essentially about the importance of seeing the seriousness and sinfulness of sin so we do not casually or ignorantly partner with it.