There may be no greater way in which Christians are to be countercultural than in the call to spread the Gospel. Modern American pluralistic society has made it clear that no one should try to convert anyone to his or her religion. There is much pressure exerted upon Christians today to be quiet about faith. God, however, calls us to not be quiet. He calls us to go everywhere and tell everyone. He calls us to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. He calls us to proclaim the excellencies of Christ. That doesn’t mean we should be brash or insensitive in our efforts. This call also comes with a challenge to be wise and skillful in our approach. Scott ends the talk with several practical encouragements on how to go about this great commission to spread the Gospel in a way that is natural and relationally sensible. He warns against the adverse effects of being like a pushy salesman about the faith, which nobody responds well to.