In America it has become a cultural norm to worry about finances, to view what we have possessively, to spend everything we make and, in some cases, to spend more than we make. Americans consume more than any other nation on the planet. Sadly, many of God’s people have gotten squeezed into that pattern of over spending and have become shoddy in their giving habits. Scripture says a lot about the way we relate to money and this message looks specifically at passages urging our giving to be cheerful, faithful and in secret. We must not allow the materialistic spirit of American culture to conform us. We are called to march to the beat of a Different Drum. We are called to give generously. Scott gives some plain thoughts at the end of the message to help overcome some of the root obstacles that keep people from giving. Ultimately, faithful giving flows out of realizing God’s generosity toward us and that God can be trusted with our finances.