The story of Jonah is not merely about a big fish. It's really a story about God's parenting tactics and it can be a little uncomfortable to take in. Here's a guy, a prophet of God, who refuses to do what God is calling him to do. He basically doesn't like the Ninevite people God is asking him to minister to. So he runs.
Now the popular idea of God in society is that if you don't do what God wants you to do He will still love you and accept you. The commands of God are almost perceived as mere suggestions.
But in this story the Lord doesn't just let Jonah disobey. He sends a storm, he sends people to talk sense into him and eventually he brings him into a dark experience of hell on earth (belly of a whale). It's a reminder that when we try to run from basic commands or personal calls the Father will orchestrate circumstances to break our stubborn pride and bring us into alignment.
This story touches a nerve because we don't like this idea of a God who sort of spanks His children to get them to obey. Yet we are confronted with the God of the Bible who allows all kinds of sufferings to discipline His people. The Bible says that God disciplines those He loves but discipline never feels good and doesn't feel like love. So it can be confusing for us. Hopefully this message will help us understand this difficult topic better.
I want to ask each of you to really pray and prepare your heart in anticipation of what God is going to do in us this Sunday. It would be a good idea to read the short four chapter book of Jonah. My prayer is especially for those who feel like they have been under a heavy cloud of discipline to be lifted up and brought into the sunshine of God's favor!