The following is adapted from a letter to the Core 2024.
Hello Ren Core!
I want to update you on some details regarding the new space @ 10 Tripps Lane. The lease is finalized. We paid our security deposit and first month of rent. The space is officially ours May 1st.
It’s been quite the journey getting to this point. A few months ago we really didn’t think we were going to get the space. Two other groups (with more money than us) were also interested in leasing the building. Though I really felt like this would be a perfect place for us for so many reasons, I found myself praying like this: Lord, let your will be done. If it’s not your perfect plan that we be there—close the door. Lord, we don’t want the space if you don’t want us to have the space. But if this is where we are supposed to be—open the door. This wasn’t something we prayed one time but over and over. I had strong faith that God would answer this prayer. So when we did end up getting the space, despite the odds being against us, it was a sweet confirmation that 10 Tripps Lane is exactly where the Lord wants us to be.
The first step will be a “demolition day” that will happen on the first Saturday in May. Chris Waugh will be directing this exciting first step. We’ll take down several existing walls. The work will consist of pulling down drywall and framing and bringing debris to the dumpster. Bring your own safety glasses and gloves if you have them) though we’ll have extras on site. We’ll work at this from 9 am to about 4 pm. Lunch will be provided. Too many volunteers for this can actually be dangerous. So we are limiting the number to 20. If you (men or women) are interested and willing to participate in this, respond back to this email. The first 20 who respond will make up the demolition crew. I also need a small team to handle going out to get the food for volunteers at about 11 am and to handle the details of serving. That would be about 11-1. Sidenote: This is the same day as Care For The Square. If you were planning on serving in that, stick with it.
Since all of you are likely curious to see the space we will have an open house on the first Sunday of May from 3-4 pm (instead of our regular Core gathering). We’ll have some architectural plans for you to view so you know how the new space will be laid out. You are welcome to bring children to this open house but just know that you’ll need to watch them closely. It’ll be a construction zone, especially if the demolition is only partially completed the day before. Everything will be very dusty. But I think it’s good for the children to see their church space in its raw, ugly beginnings. This day will be May 5th. Tiffany and I will celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary that day. So I’m taking my love out for dinner after this Core gathering. So you can be certain the open house will end promptly :)
Katherine just let me know today (as I’m writing this) that we just surpassed the 25k mark of raising funds for the renovation. Since we’ll be ordering materials soon, this is the time to make your donation if you’ve not already. With the size of our church my encouragement has been that each of us consider giving at least 1% of what you make in the course of a year. For some, that might be impossible because you live paycheck to paycheck. Do what you can. Hopefully, others can give more than 1%. I’ll have a better idea of how much we’ll need to raise once we get into the renovation. 15 years ago we renovated a similar space with less than 50k. Things have changed dramatically in 15 years though, especially with the price of labor and materials. I’m guessing it’ll be at least twice what it was back then. There are certain aspects of the renovation that we won’t do in the first phase, to keep costs down. But even the basic build out will be extensive. So I’m asking each of us to dig deep and be generous. It’s our collective generosity that will get us to the finish line!
Remember to mark your donation “Spring Offering.” Thanks!
Another thing that will keep costs down significantly is a robust volunteer effort. I understand each of us has responsibilities at home and/or work. The typical person at Ren Church is busy, busy, busy. We plan on hiring some outside contractors to do construction, hvac, electrical, and so on. But if we tackle the tasks that we are capable of it’ll make a huge difference. I’m talking about things like basic carpentry, painting, laying carpet squares, sweeping, hauling trash to the dumpster, running to Home Depot for supplies, cleaning, and so on. I’m working on a calendar to lay out all the volunteer days in the next few months. Most Saturdays will be renovation days and at least one weekday evening (probably Thursday). I’m not asking you to commit to every single renovation block. But I am asking everyone to give what they can. There are 101 Core members. If we all give our best volunteer effort, according to what we are capable of, it’ll be spectacular.
This next season is not just something to get through. It’s tempting to sort of tune out for a bit and then tune back in when everything is completed. It’s tempting to feel stressed out until we get everything completed. But let’s not approach the season like that at all. This is an opportunity! If we each give our best we’ll develop a powerful sense of ownership for the work. We’ll develop deeper relationships. We’ll grow spiritually through generosity and servanthood. We’ll be a stronger church! This season is God’s will. It’s exactly what he has designed for the Ren community. God could have easily orchestrated things to keep us at 184 Broad or to give us another church building that didn't require raising money or volunteering. But he didn’t. And he didn’t for a reason. He knows what we need. Everything that will happen in this next season is part of God’s sovereign design to shape us into a church that reflects the glory of Jesus. So may we flourish in the coming months for his name's sake. He is worthy of our best. What we give to this is a collective act of worship. Selah.
Let me know if you have any specific questions I didn’t cover. And don’t forget to respond back about the May 4 demo day. Thanks!
Scott A