I'm still sort of floating that we are actually in our new building and everything is completed. We have our full certificate of occupancy with the city and are approved for gatherings of 500. Our first couple Sundays were smooth and I especially want to thank the dozens of volunteers helping to provide ushering, security, parking lot, prayer, coffee, hospitality, ministry to children, visual displays, and worship. It's so beautiful when everyone works together.
Our service starts at 10am and I want to strongly encourage everyone who is serving on any Sunday team to be in the sanctuary as much as possible between 9-9:45 to prepare the atmosphere with prayer. I cannot even believe how thick the presence of God was last week during this time and I took it as God letting us know He is pleased with this priority on prayer. This time of prayer in the sanctuary is open to absolutely anyone, by the way. It's free-style in the sense that everyone prays differently and on their own. You might want to cry out, lift your hands, or sing along with the music. Or you may quietly meditate or write or just pray through a psalm in a quiet corner. Please join us in this if you are able.