Knowing God


One of the strongest memories I have from childhood is playing in a large sandbox that my father built in the back corner of the yard. Hours upon hours were spent shaping and sculpting tunnels and roads that formed imaginary cities. Sand became familiar from constant association with it. I became well acquainted with how it moved, how it held together, how it related to water and the ways it could be shaped by my hands. 

A frequent prayer of many serious followers of Jesus is the prayer to encounter God, to catch a glimpse of his glory, to be taken to the mountain for a view of the King that will blow them away and change them forever. It’s a cool prayer and God has certainly answered it for many. Usually the thought is that if we could just see God the way John did on the isle of Patmos we would really know him. 

As valid as these occasional encounters are I am convinced that knowing God is less about a power encounter and more so the result of tens of thousands of small interactions with him. Depth of intimacy cannot be rushed. There are no shortcuts. It can not be thrust upon us. It unfolds slowly as we walk with God through mountain and through valley. 

During my sabbatical (3 month rest) I have been learning that the way to God’s heart comes through just being with him. Sometimes in the rush of life we shoot up some requests and just ramble stuff to God. It’s like the person we converse with that isn’t listening but just babbles all their thoughts. What is needed is a listening heart. A heart that is able to just sit and be with God with no agenda. A heart that values every moment to move closer to him. Intimacy with Christ is the result of a life of hidden unbroken honest communion. 

We were created to know God. And to the extent we know him we fulfill our destiny on earth. When we stand before him it will be all that really matters. When I open my eyes in the next life and see God I want to see One who is my friend, my Father, one who I am familiar (family) with and close with. How dreadful to think of waking in eternity to gaze at a God we not only didn’t know but who we rebelled against. Awaken us while we have breath !!! - Scott A