This has been an excellent year financially as we've brought in a little more than we've spent each month. Last month particularly was really good. I'm so grateful for the many at Ren who give.
A while back I called the community to secret, sacrificial, cheerful and faithful giving. I said that no one knows what you give but God and the bookkeeper (who doesn't even attend Ren). In other words, there's no incentive to give to impress anyone. Your giving is out of love for God. And for those that give 10% or more we are talking about a significant amount of money each month. I know that some of you would say it's not even a sacrifice. You do it joyfully and willingly out of pure love and gratitude for God. This is a tremendous sign of spiritual maturity that I'm grateful to see blooming at Ren Church. May this continue more and more in the days to come.
For those that don't give or give minimally or sporadically I don't say these things to make you feel bad. I realize even talking about money can be touchy. It certainly takes money to run the church and we need finances to increase so we can increase staff and grow the church. But our giving is not merely something necessary to pay the bills. Our giving is one of the most tangible ways we worship. Our giving reveals that we really do believe in God and we are willing to pour out generously for nothing but the pure joy of knowing our gift brings pleasure to God. If you don't practice regular, secret, cheerful giving please consider stepping into it.
Some of you receiving this newsletter attend other churches so please understand I mean that you should give to the local church you are committed to. Others are trying to figure out what church to attend and if that's you then make it a point to give to a different church each month until you figure out where the Lord wants you. But don't let anything keep you from this spiritual practice. Be the kind of giver that moves the heart of God! What better way to spend our money?
This Sunday is the last week to give toward our missionary of the month Marshal Morse who is a campus missionary at Washburn University in Topeka Kansas. Marshal was the associate pastor at Ren for the first 3-4 years and is an amazing theologian and compassionate man of God. Whatever you give in the colored envelopes at Ren will go directly toward Marshal and the good work he is doing in Topeka. Our collective generosity can make a huge impact!
Remember too that you can give through our website for convenience.