Our finance team just set up a brand new online giving system that gives a variety of options for giving. One thing several people have asked for is a way to sign up for recurring giving that automatically withdraws from your account. So that is available now. You can also give to Pete Fabiano and the cafe project as an option through the website, as well as the elevator fund. Click here to visit the "give" page.
In general our finances have been strong through the summer months so thanks to everyone who has contributed. Our monthly budget including salaries, rent, utilities, supplies, insurance and a dozen other things is supported completely by the generous gifts of the Ren community. We try not to talk about money or be too pushy, but we also want to express the importance of steady giving. We don't press any sort of strict adherence to tithing (10%) of your income to the local church, but we do believe that this is a good starting place in trusting God with your money. I just want to encourage you to be faithful and generous toward the local church so that we can continue to do what we are doing on every level.
–Pastor Scott A.