On Sunday November 8th noon-5pm we are doing our first ever "Ren Craft Market" as an effort to raise money for the elevator campaign. If you weren't in service last Sunday we talked about the urgent need to install an elevator lift which will be minimally $30,000. My prayer is that each and every one of us could do something sacrificial to contribute to this and that our "collective sacrificial generosity" would be more than enough.
The craft market will be a fun way to raise money while also fostering community and engaging the neighborhood. There will be a full lunch available and we will also have the owner of Giv Coffee co, a roasting company we are going to use for the Ren cafe. They will be doing tastings of various coffees. We will have room for about a dozen vendor booths set up around the cafe each selling handcrafted products. There will likely be some live music as well.
If you make something and would like to contribute please let us know. Alli, our art director, is taking the lead so you can address questions to her. In order to cover the cost of overhead and materials vendors can take up to 50% of what is sold. Some vendors are going to give 100% straight to the elevator campaign.
This is a perfect event to invite a friend to. There won't be anything overtly "religious" about the craft market so it may be a good opportunity to invite friends or family who are least likely to come to a church service. We will be hanging posters throughout the city as an effort to draw people in and will be doing a social media campaign as well. Just mark your calendar. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there will be a worship concert at 5pm that night featuring Jon Cashman!
–Pastor Scott Axtmann