For those who were not at our gathering last Sunday I talked a little about the renovation of our new building and the money needed to do it. The new building, located at 184 Broad Street, is 3 levels and nearly 18,000 square feet. The renovation is a massive undertaking. Over the years I've led the charge in several space renovations, but this is way beyond anything I've done before.
We are making progress though! The demolition lasted about two months as we tore down many walls, removed carpet and drop ceilings. All the framing is now complete on the top floor and the stage is almost done. The drywall begins this week. Electricians have been working for over a month getting everything wired. Vinny had a walnut tree cut down for the tables and counters in the sanctuary. Alli, our art director, has been picking out colors and light fixtures. It's happening!
Some of the remaining projects include framing the walls on the first floor, installing the hvac, reconfiguring the fire sprinklers, installing lights, installing an elevator lift, replacing doors and windows, restoring ceilings throughout, installing a children's toilet, a sink for the coffee bar, and lots of painting. There are many exterior improvements we'd like to make as well, but we will likely wait until after we move in before starting on that.
Our aim is to move in by March 1st, which is when our lease is up for our present space. But we must hold this loosely since any number of things, especially with city approvals needed, could cause delay.
As I mentioned on Sunday, we've done a great job raising over $120,000 for these building improvements. 120k was the estimated cost I came up with several months ago and I wish I never set a number. I realize sometimes that we need something to aim for but now that we are in the thick of this renovation we are realizing we underestimated the costs on several levels. I humbly take full responsibility for this and would ask us to keep giving sacrificially until the building is completed. At this point it would be so encouraging to receive some large donations to lift the financial stress that has been pressing on us. But let's keep the little donations flowing as well. If 200 of us gave an average of $50 a month for the next 3-4 months that be would about 40k. I'm asking each of you to not get weary at this point. Let's keep giving so that we have enough to finish the project.
The only block to volunteer at the new building (184 Broad) this week is Saturday 10-2pm. This block will be used for remaining clean up, tearing up some rugs, prepping hardwood floors and sweeping. Respond back to this email and let me know if you are coming. I'll be managing this 4 hour block and I love when lots of people show up. I will be there to direct you, cheer you on and give you a cup of cold water. Hope to see many of you!
For those with skill in framing and other construction respond back and let us know if you'd like to assist Vinny. Vinny is our primary builder and he would welcome good helpers on the days he works which are generally Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
–Pastor Scott A.