At Ren, we call our membership community “Core”. Those who are part of the Core are those who are devoted to Ren Church by being present, serving, giving, forgiving and inviting others. Core members are far from perfect (I'm one), but they are serious about building the church together for the glory of Christ.
This coming Thursday will be our next Core gathering. For 2017, we designated every 5th Thursday as a time to gather the Core. This particular one will be a little lighter with some interactive elements and food. Children are welcome to come. There won't be any part of the meeting when someone is speaking and everyone is seated listening. So seriously bring all the kids; this will just be a fun time to gather. Again, this is only for those who are part of the Core membership.
If you are not presently part of the Core, but would like to be, here's what you need to do. On the website in the sermons section you'll find a series entitled “Ren 101”. This includes five teachings unpacking all you need to know about Ren vision and what it means to be part of the Core. Listen to those teachings. At the welcome table you'll find a Core application that you will then fill out and hand in. You can just bring the application with you next Thursday. Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you may have.