*March 30 Sunday service is at 11 AM for a special baptism service. Stick around for the community meal afterwards!

Morning Prayer | 9 - 9:30 am

Sunday Service | 10 am*

10 Tripps Lane, East Providence, RI 02915

Can’t make all-church gatherings in person? Listen live:

Join us on Sunday mornings for prayer, a vibrant time of worship, and an in-depth teaching from God’s Word. The morning service is held in our sanctuary and runs from 10 am till about 11:30. All are welcome!

Parking is available in the front and back of the building. Our space is connected behind the nonprofit PACE. You’ll find entrances with our church logo on the side of the building (by 114 S) and the inner courtyard.

Bringing kids? Learn more about our RENkids ministry on Sundays here.

5th Sundays of the Month

When there is a 5th Sunday of the month, the entire Renaissance Church community gathers for a meal. For these gatherings there is no service or organized liturgy—it is instead an extended time to celebrate what God has done in our lives and to build community, which is easiest to do over a meal. We’ve met in parks, schools, and different set-ups of the church building location. The location and time tends to switch up on 5th Sundays, so be sure to check the homepage for updates when a 5th Sunday comes up.


What can I expect on Sundays?

The flow of an all-church Sunday gathering includes worship through music, prayer, communion and a vibrant message from God's Word. The community is made up of families, local college students, people experiencing homelessness, college professors and young professionals, retired folks and lots of babies. You will see virtually every color of skin and will notice a powerful warmth about the community. The atmosphere is charged with grace.

Some people get a little nervous visiting a church for the first time. There may be protocol they aren't clued into. Maybe you can't drink coffee in the sanctuary? Maybe you are supposed to stand up or kneel down or recite something out loud at certain times? Maybe the people will all be raising hands in worship and they will stand out because they don't feel comfortable doing that? These are all valid concerns because sometimes visitors are unintentionally made to feel out of place in churches.

We cannot guarantee that you will feel perfectly comfortable but we can promise you that we really try hard to make people feel at home. We aren't going to force you to do anything weird or point out to everyone that you are a guest. We don't really care what you wear and it's perfectly okay to not sing. In fact, many people don't sing or raise their hands. Just come as you are and enjoy.


What if I’m not a Christian?

You may wonder if everyone who attends Ren Church is a Christian. Perhaps you define yourself as more of a searcher at this point. Without question you will meet some very serious followers of Christ but there are many people at our gatherings who are trying to figure out faith. We want you to know that we love having people who are searching, and we understand that for many it takes some time to think through the claims of Christ and how it all plays out in life. We are passionate about giving folks space to simply think things through. Just come as you are.

Another concern that people may have about visiting churches is that they aren't good enough. One lady put it this way: "If I step foot in your church it will burn up." Please know that Ren Church is a collective of recovering sinners and very imperfect humans. Some of us were abused and some were addicts. Some of us are still pretty broken and in the slow process of being healed. Some of us are struggling to let go of certain sins. Some of us have anxiety issues and depression. The church is sort of a spiritual hospital for those who need soul care. It is full of people who are learning to lean on God. So don't worry about not being good enough. No one is good enough. That's why we cling to Christ!

If you are unfamiliar with church, one dynamic that may blow you away is the tangible felt presence of Christ in our midst. While it can sound overwhelming and almost scary it is the very thing that can change your life forever. When the presence of God is strong, the preaching no longer seems like just some dry Bible talk. It comes alive and sort of penetrates the deepest part of the heart. Somehow eternal things become real. We become aware that God is present and that He is reading us with compassion. Sometimes we feel His love wash over us like waves or we may hear His voice like a whisper in our hearts. Don't be afraid of this. The presence of God is stunningly beautiful. Come with an open heart and see.