This was not an easy message to preach. At the start of the week, amidst a flood of news regarding the pandemic, I starting praying, “Lord, what are you saying about all this?” It seemed like a simple enough question but I’m not sure I was ready for the answer. I spent most of the week steeping in the Book of Isaiah chapters 24-39 and the Lord began to unveil to me the purpose behind His shakings. Nothing in this world happens randomly. The Lord Almighty is sovereign over all things and this present pandemic is being permitted by Him for a purpose. Not just Isaiah, but all the prophets, interpreted unpleasant happenings from a heavenly perspective and showed that God was at work. Often, the judgments of the Lord are aimed at His own beloved people in order to humble them and cause them to return. When the common grace of God, the kindness of God and the clear message of the prophets is not enough to turn people around, God resorts to terrifying shakings. As I began to study these chapters it was easy to make parallels to the present moment, as the state of the Church has become sick and lame in this generation. Especially in America, the state of things is deplorable. Most people who aren’t Christian are hardened against the message of the Gospel. Those identifying as Christian are collectively guilty of pride, breaking of marriage covenants, pornography, idolatry, stinginess, disregard of the poor (orphans and widows), neglect of prayer, slander, bitterness and much more. It can surely be said of this generation, “there is no fear of God before their eyes”. This message, taken from Isaiah, is a reminder that God is calling His people to humble themselves and turn from sin. It’s a reminder to us to get low and plead for mercy. Judgment begins in the House of God (1Peter 5). I realize this message isn’t easy to listen to. It is birthed out of much love and tears and many days of prayer and fasting. I believe that those who receive the message will be transformed by it. Those who reject it, sadly, will become even more hardened against the Truth. I’m praying it would bear fruit in every heart! -Scott