It seems that a great deal of people in society have come to believe about Jesus, but is that enough? The common feeling is that if we believe about Jesus, attend church and try to be good that we are “on our way to heaven.” But Scripture actually talks about a certain transformation that needs to take place, a rebirth. We must pass from spiritual death to spiritual life.
Part 6 | The Future
We promise others the hope of an eternal future in heaven, and yet what is heaven even supposed to look like? We’ve let our understanding of the future glory of God be influenced by popular media for too long, so this week Scott Yi addresses those faulty assumptions with an eye-opening look at the Biblical reality. When holiness is brought to completion, we will finally know who we are.
Part 5 | The Atonement
"Jesus died for your sins." We are often desensitized to the fact that this is the most powerful, most life-transformative proclamation that has ever been uttered. For what we’ve done, humanity does not deserve saving. Not many would sacrifice themselves for a good person, so who would ever exchange their life for their enemies? God’s love is staggering and beyond human capability. The only appropriate response is worship.
Part 4 | The Incarnation
Everyone has to make a decision about Jesus. In Part 4 of the Gospel Unveiled, Pastor Scott shares why the depiction of Jesus as merely teacher or merely a good man is not enough—in no uncertain terms, Jesus declared to be God. He was responsible for Creation, He had control over the weather, He brought the dead back to life, and He will claim this world as His Kingdom. How should we respond?
Part 3 | The Promise
There are roughly 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. The probability that only 8 of these prophecies could be fulfilled in one person is 1 in one hundred million billion. Pastor Nate takes us on a journey through the major prophecies about Jesus, showing us that in the grip of God’s plan of redemption, His love has remained forever steadfast.
Part 2 | The Fall
Sin is inescapable. Just as we inherit disease from our ancestors, we are incapable of overcoming the effects and influence of sin in this life. Even our protests of being “good enough” is a secret belief in our own arrogance and superiority over God. In Part 2 of THE GOSPEL UNVEILED, Pastor Scott underscores the extent of how far away our hearts really are from the love of God.
Part 1 | Creation
In the first part of our new series, Pastor Scott lays out the purpose for which humanity was created: to worship God. All people have it in their heart to worship something. But if we don’t give our worship to God, we’ll find something else to put our identity in. And that’s why the dangers of idolatry from Genesis on is relevant for us today.