“You can’t show the world Jesus by yourself.” We are meant to be a vital part of the local church. Without it, we are vulnerable to the deceptions of the world and powerless to make lasting change in the lives around us. In the last part of this series, Pastor Scott gives us a strong exhortation to make the local church the priority in our lives that scripture so clearly models for us. We should never make ourselves so busy as to let ourselves stay on the fringes of God’s great work.
Revival of the Local Church: Portrait
What are the marks of a healthy church? Pastor Scott describes a portrait of the kind of generous, passionate community that we should aspire to become as Renaissance. Our care for the broken must be fueled by a wild, almost barbaric energy for prayer. We have to learn to be sacrificial together, because “the local church is God’s primary instrument on the planet for drawing in lost people.”
Revival of the Local Church: Purpose
What does it mean that God is the designer of Renaissance Church? First, it means that together we are meant to make Christ visible to the world around us. Secondly, it means God has intended us to work together—like pieces of a puzzle, like the parts on a guitar, we cannot truly achieve God’s will for our lives until we’re connected to the larger Body He destined each one of us to grow in.