It is common for followers of Christ to feel small and insignificant, and to feel like progress in the mission isn't really happening. It's easy to become weary and to even wonder if the Lord has anything big in store for the future. Jesus addresses all this in these twin parables as he teaches us that the kingdom may start small, but over time it will grow to be something huge. Pastor Scott gives some strong encouragement at the end to stand firm and keep sowing seeds, trusting that in due season, we will reap a harvest. This is the perfect message for those getting weary in the work of God.
Wheat and Weeds
There are, undoubtedly, many things that frustrate us as godly people in this world. We are grieved by the gross things that happen in the name of Christianity, and we are vexed by the atrocities in society. Just like the disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven, we at times long for God to come and cleanse away all evil. Pastor Scott shows us in this parable that Jesus is teaching us to synch up with God's timetable and join him in the great work of extending mercy to all people. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the season of grace. Now is the time to love all people regardless of how evil they may be.
The Sower
The Word of God is sown into hearts, but all hearts don't respond the same way. Pastor Scott teaches on the Parable of the Sower showing four very different types of hearers. Some are completely shut, and others get excited but eventually fall away. Other people grow but distractions choke any real fruit from coming forth. The good heart, though, hears and receives and produces abounding fruit over the long haul. Our relationship to God's Word determines our measure of fruit, and Pastor Scott presses the point that fruitfulness is not optional. The message concludes with some practical thoughts on what fruit looks like, and how we can be fruitful.
Why Parables?
Parables are a form of teaching often associated with Jesus because he used them frequently. A parable employs story and metaphor to explain an idea. Sometimes parables are very easy to understand, but sometimes the point is not immediately obvious and needs to be searched out. Pastor Scott explores the question the disciples asked Jesus of why speak in parables. The answer to that question is very different than what most people think. This message serves as an introduction to the series on parables.