Pride is the air that we breathe, it is all around us. We are encouraged to take pride in ourselves and we live in an environment where we are judged against others. In this final sermon from I Peter Pastor Scott preaches about pride and humility, examining what it means for pastors, young people and all Christians. What are the characteristics of a humble of a person? Have you ever humbled yourself?
In Case of Fire: Heaven and Hell
At the end of your life you will hear either "Well done, Good and Faithful servant" or "Depart from me, I never knew you." Pastor Scott preaches an important message from I Peter 3:18-4:19 on the final judgment, Heaven and Hell. Thinking about eternity helps us to evaluate our lives and put things in perspective. We should live now in such a way that we are going to stand before God one day.
In Case of Fire: Explaining the Hope Within You
Have you ever felt awkward trying to tell someone about Jesus? Admit it, you have. Pastor Scott preaches from I Peter 3:13-16, encouraging the church to reach out to those around us with gentleness and respect. We have this great hope within us that needs to be explained. This will require love, study, prayer and being prepared. Our lives & words work together to proclaim the gospel.
In Case of Fire: Living a Good Life in the Midst of a Bad Life
What does God give to Christians caught in the midst of difficult situations & obstacles? A good life. Pastor Nate preaches through 1 Peter 3:8-12 showing some of the essential characteristics needed in order to stand in the midst of suffering, trials, and hardships. Christians need to be of one mind, realizing we engage with the world around us by standing together. We need to bless when cursed, guard our tongues and have a posture of repentance before God each and every day.
In Case of Fire: God's Design for Marriage
How are wives to submit to their husbands? How are husbands to be the head of the wife? Is this idea of husbands being the head and wives submitting outdated? What is God's design for marriage? What about the historic abuse of women by men? These and other questions are tackled by Pastor Scott Axtmann as he preaches from 1 Peter 3:1-7.
In Case of Fire: The Call to Honor
There is rebellion in the water. Our natural reaction to unjust authorities and forces is rebellion and dishonor, to overcome evil by any means necessary. In 1 Peter 2:13-25 we see God's desire for us to overcome unjust authorities through honor & submission. As Christians do good in the face of evil it puts to silence the foolishness of ignorant people. In God's hands it is an instrument used to change wicked hearts & minds. We worship and serve God in this way, knowing it is a gracious thing in God's sight.
In Case of Fire: God is Building a People Like Jesus
Pastor Scott Axtmann reminds us that God is building a people like Jesus. Jesus is our message, our role model, our obsession. Everything we do is about him, we are fanatics. As his people, we seek not to proclaim our goodness, but His goodness. Just as Jesus was despised and mocked, we take that mantle upon ourselves when we become his followers. We are sustained not by human approval, but by the God of the universe who has poured out his love upon us. We fight against the passions of the flesh not in our strength but in his strength.
In Case of Fire: God's Superkids
Elder Easton Dickson exhorts us to truly be the countercultural movement that God calls us to be. Our goal is nothing less than to live the perfect life. That means trusting God like babies, totally dependent on the milk of His Word for our entire sustenance. We can give no middle ground to sin as we radically break away from the world and run toward the better life.
In Case of Fire: Born to Love
Is your life marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Scott lets us know that true conversion is "not a mere mental ascent to a creed," but a heart transformation that begins with repentance. We've cheapened God's work of regeneration with formulas and tidy prayers. Unless we come to the end of our self-righteousness and admit our own sin, God's Spirit cannot truly dwell inside of us.
In Case of Fire: Motivations to Be Holy
"There is a battle for the occupation of your mind." We need to truly deal with our lifestyles, in the everyday details, if we hope for the holiness of Christ to shine through our lives. It's arrogant of us to think that we can grow spiritually if we feed ourselves on the inputs of the world, and then merely give the scraps of our time over to the Word. Our motivations to be genuine followers of Jesus need to far outweigh our motivations for a comfortable lifestyle.