This is the last of the messages in the hymn series. Pastor Scott expounds on the hymn "Rock of Ages" and once again probes deep into the Gospel with a special emphasis on the idea of wrath and Hell. The idea of Hell has often been minimized and even suppressed altogether by Christians as though hiding some sort of deficiency in God's nature. However, wrath is a massive biblical theme and Jesus taught much on Hell, giving us vivid and rather terrifying imagery to describe it. It is obvious by the weight that Scripture gives to judgment that God intends for people to come to grips with it and be impacted by its reality so that we might be driven to Christ for mercy.
Hymns | My Jesus I Love Thee
The hymn explored this week was "My Jesus I Love Thee", written by a boy named William Featherstone who may have been just 16 years old when he penned it. The hymn is clearly rooted in 1 John 4 and Pastor Scott expounds specifically on verses 7-12, bringing out what these verses tell us about love. The love talked about in this epistle is much more than natural love; it's a love that comes from God, it's Spirit-born love, love from another world. It's that sort of love that must be the identifying badge of the Christian. There's no room for hate or resentment or racism or meanness in the family of God. Love should flood the environment of everything we do.
Hymns | How Great Thou Art
This message is based off of the hymn "How Great Thou Art", which was made popular by George Beverly Shea at the Billy Graham crusades. Pastor Scott puts most of the emphasis on the third stanza that speaks of the sacrificial death of Christ to take away our sins. A call to direct the mind into thinking deeply about the person and the work of God is encouraged as the way to become a more fiery, affectionate worshiper. The true meaning of worship is also explored with a twist at the end of the message, dreaming of the future day when all the redeemed step into the great symphony in the sky.
Hymns | Be Thou My Vision
Be Thou My Vision was born out of a poem in the Celtic tradition that was inspired by the sacrificial life of Saint Patrick. Pastor Scott uses the classic hymn as a springboard into what was more of a pastoral talk or "rant" calling the church to live a lifestyle of self-denial, discipline and sacrifice. This message is very raw and covers a wide range of Scripture on the great theme of what is really means to be a disciple. Listen prayerfully.
Hymns | O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
This message is inspired by the hymn O Love That Will Not Let Me Go, by George Matheson in June of 1882. Paul Moon delivers a message of hope and joy in the midst of trial and adversity by focusing on the Cross and the lengths that Jesus was willing to go to in order to bring us back to Him. He speaks of finding our strength and purpose in Him as Jesus calls us to be branches connected to the True Vine as spoke on in John 15:5-8. Living a life connected to our Savior is where we find joy in our suffering and find hope in our adversity.
Hymns | It Is Well
This message is based on the famous hymn "It Is Well". The hymn was written by Horatio Spafford shortly after he tragically lost four daughters when their ship, the Ville Du Havre, went under. Pastor Scott preaches that Christians are not exempt from suffering. In fact, it is promised over and over in Scripture. How we respond to suffering determines our character. We do not need to fall apart or fall away during hardship; God arms us with a way of thinking that allows us to not only survive but to rejoice through our sufferings. Pastor Scott reminds us of this different way of thinking that helps us to stand firm, and reminds us that it is well in our souls during every trial, and we can rejoice in this.
Hymns | Softly and Tenderly
This message is a look at the classic hymn Softly and Tenderly written by Will Thompson in 1880. Pastor Scott anchors the message in the first three verses of Isaiah 55, which is one of the most compelling invitations of God in Scripture. People everywhere in our world are weary, disillusioned and unsatisfied but God invites them to come home to be satisfied fully. What He offers is amazingly totally free. It's good news to the poor. Why wait in the shadows when Jesus is calling us earnestly and tenderly to Himself? Pastor Scott urges those who feel distant from God to run to Him. Fly into His arms and experience abundant pardon.
Hymns | In Christ Alone
One of the most reassuring things that we can find comfort in is the fact that Jesus will never leave us. In this message, Pastor Scott preaches on the hymn "In Christ Alone", focusing in on verse 4. "No power of Hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand." In life, we often feel a lack of control over the things that are important to us, and often when we feel comfort and joy in Christ, we worry that we will lose this relationship and not be able to persevere. In John chapter 10 Jesus encourages us by saying no one is going to snatch you from the Father's hand, and nothing will separate you from the love of Christ.
Hymns | Jesus Paid it All
This is the first message of our Hymns series. It is an exploration of the hymn "Jesus Paid It All", written in 1865 by Elvina Hall. This hymn is a beautiful, concise declaration of the Gospel message with an emphasis on our own weakness and insufficiency. Pastor Scott presses the point that it is okay to be weak, because our strength comes from dependence on the Lord. God's power and God's power alone will save us on the day of judgement, not our own moral effort. We must nestle in to a place of honestly and weakness, and let God's grace take over.