Where do we get our fight from? Who is our role model? In this sermon, Pastor Nate reminds us about the life of Jesus, and his character of being a fighter. Jesus came down to earth and lived a perfect, sinless, indestructible life, nothing could sidetrack, sway or silence Jesus from his mission and purpose. No matter what we've done in our lives, when we are brought into the family of God we come into his legacy of courage, tenacity and fight. We get our fight from Jesus.
Fight: Stories
Sam, Michelle, and Ryan share their stories of how they have fought and overcome by the grace of God.
Fight: Wounded
What do we do when we find ourselves bruised and beaten by life's circumstances or by our sins? How do we get back up to fight again? In this sermon, one of the Ren elders, John Michaelson, speaks about how God lifts us up and gets us back into the fight. The same power of God that enables us to fight restores us and brings us mercy and grace. The power of God will restore us so we can continue to fight for his kingdom.
Fight: Fuel
One of the greatest problems in the Christian church is apathy, numbness. Even our very loved ones are being robbed and blinded spiritually and we barely shed a tear. In this message, Pastor Scott shares that in order to be a good fighters we must be angry. We must be bothered about things. We must be baptized in compassion and tears. This holy grief comes from the Lord and is the underlying fuel.
Fight: Weapon
The Word of God, the Bible, is the greatest weapon we have against the lies and temptations of the forces of darkness. In this message, Pastor Scott talks about how the Word of God repels the attacks of the enemy, and how to get the Word of God inside of us so we are able to use it. God's Word is not supposed to be known only, but it is supposed to live inside of us and change us and give us strength.
Fight: Schemes
In this sermon, Pastor Scott talks about the schemes and lies that the devil uses in our lives. His schemes are often subtle, not easily detected. We need to pull the cover off of these schemes and expose them for the deceptions they are. When we shine the light and truth of God's word on these lies they quickly fade and wither away. God always makes his strength available to us to resist the devil's temptation.
Fight: War
The Church, at least in America, has seen many lose their fighting spirit. The Church is being silenced, sidetracked and swayed by the forces of darkness. We are not in a physical war, but a spiritual one against those forces. God wants His church to live, work, and pray for his kingdom to come on this earth, His will to be done. Satan and his forces are no match for God, but when the church leans on its own strength it gets bullied and knocked around. In this message, Pastor Scott calls Renaissance to see the reality around us and to fight.