Mary has a unique role in Scripture, unlike anyone else. She gave her whole life to God and showed that submission to God is an act of bravery and courage. She showed submission through times of clarity, confusion and joy. She is a great example for us today of what it means to submit to God on a daily basis.
Epic Stories: Habakkuk
In this message, Pastor Scott unpacks the book of Habakkuk. The little book of Habakkuk is a glimpse of the prophet's conversation with the Lord. He speaks to God and God responds. It's very raw and real. At first, Habakkuk is frustrated that God seems idle at a time when He is needed most. The prophet's angst is quieted, though, after listening to what God has to say. He is dramatically transformed by God's words to him. He is pulled out of pessimism and doubt, and lifted to the heights of joyful worship. His circumstances stay the same, but his perspective changes. This is an important example for us as we almost continually find ourselves dealing with loss, setbacks, injustice, and societal frustrations. This book reminds us of the power of conversing with God and teaches us how to find hope amidst life's troubles.
Epic Stories: Jonah
Jonah ran away from God's call to preach to the Ninevites and went in the opposite direction. In God's love and discipline he kept Jonah from running away and reminded him of the call on his life. Pastor Scott takes us through this story reminding us how God disciplines those that he loves and we sometimes find ourselves under His discipline when we run away from His call.
Epic Stories: Daniel
This message focuses on the story of Daniel and the Lion's den and how God used the miracle of Daniel's protection to change the life of King Darius. The king went from wanting people to pray to him to declaring to all people to pray to the God of Daniel. Pastor Scott reminds us of the importance of the power of God in equipping us to be his representatives in this world. We can not reconcile anyone to God without his power, and prayer is the gateway to his power.
Epic Stories: Elijah
Pastor Nate takes a look at the life of Elijah through two of his life events, the triumph over the prophets of Baal and the subsequent depression that hit him afterwards and led him to isolation in a cave. Through Elijah's life we are reminded that we have a God who knows all of our needs and cares us for us, whether we are on spiritual mountaintops or spiritual valleys. At the end of the message, Pastor Scott leads us in a very important meditation on Communion.
Epic Stories: Ruth
Pastor Scott brings us through the story of Ruth and Naomi. Naomi had a life filled with suffering and loss, her husband and two sons both dead at young ages. She believed God was against her. Through the book of Ruth we see how God uses things in her life to show her his kindness and goodness to her. The suffering wasn't reversed but new kindnesses came to her and showed the mercy of God. Many of us find ourselves in the same place as Naomi, feeling God is distant or against us. But if we keep our mind and our heart open we will see the goodness of God, as he pursues us with his grace, mercy and love.
Epic Stories: Samson
Samson was a man who had great parents, a unique call from God and great power. Despite being entrusted and gifted with much, his life was filled with defiance, arrogance and anger. His cockiness eventually led to the power of God being removed from his life and him ending up in bondage. But God still used Samson to lead his people out of oppression from the Philistines. Pastor Scott reminds us that we can often act like Samson and get confused and deceived that our sin is not a big deal because God continues to work through us. But his sin was eventually his undoing. We should remember to not let sin dwell and fester inside of us, but to go to God and be open and let him cleanse us and transform us.
Epic Stories: Gideon
In this sermon Pastor Nate explores the story of Gideon, looking at the confused religious & social mentality of the people of Gideon's time. They wanted God's help, but also wanted to serve other gods. God used Gideon as an instrument to lead the people out of their oppression, even though Gideon was afraid, he went from being a coward to being courageous. This kind of transformation still happens now as God can transform us and give us courage to follow Him.
Epic Stories: Joshua and the Jordan River
In the book of Joshua we see a community of people following the promises of God. The generation before them had shrunk back from the call of God and his promises. But Joshua and the people stepped into the Jordan River believing God would stop the waters and lead them through. Pastor Scott reminds us not only of this miraculous story, but about the promises of God and the call in our generation to follow God and not shrink back. We can respond like the generation of Joshua.
Epic Stories: Moses and the Burning Bush
God heard the cries of the Hebrew people being oppressed in Egypt, his response was to send Moses, a former murderer in exile, to lead them out of captivity. It was through a burning bush that Moses saw the holiness and power of God. He tried to turn away from the call of God, but God showed him that He would go with him and speak through him. Pastor Scott gives an important reminder for us today that it is the Spirit of God that works in us and gives us all we need. God might call us to something difficult, but he will always give us exactly what we need.