Today's service includes worship led by the youth and youth directors, and the message is two-fold. You'll be hearing from some of the church about what they learned from the book they read together last summer called Be the Bridge by Latasha Morrison, which is about God’s heart for racial reconciliation. (Watch the video of this section here.)
Secondly, Pastor Scott finishes up the book of Ephesians—finally! This message takes some of the ideas in the last verses of this epistle and relates them to the relational tensions we are seeing in the Church throughout the land regarding politics, race, the pandemic, theology, and many other things.
The Church is more divided than ever. Even groups that have enjoyed much unity around a system of theology have suffered terrible divisions. How can our church survive what is happening today? How can we be unified as brothers and sisters if we disagree about important things? This message shows how—despite the complex differences of opinion amongst Christians—we can find harmony by simply caring for one another.