In this final message in the Colossians series, Pastor Scott preaches from Colossians 4:7-18. In these verses we learn about faithful people who were serving and loving the church in Colossae. Through this passage we are reminded that in churches there are Faithful Servants who serve and love well their brothers and sisters in Christ. Also, when it comes to pastors there is a calling and burden in ministry that calls pastors to pray, to love and to act like a shepherd. Finally, for all of us there is the call to endurance to stick with the local church in all seasons of life.
Colossians: Open Doors
One of the things we've realized throughout the history of Ren is that when we step out into places, conversations, or neighborhoods God always opens doors for us to share who we are and what Jesus is doing in our lives and our community. In this message from Colossians 4:3-6 Pastor Scott preaches about the open doors God provides to share the Gospel. It is important for us to realize that people around us are lost and far from God and we've been put in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our families for a reason and a purpose.
Colossians: Beauty of Prayer
Prayer is an essential practice of the Christian faith. Although there are different denominations and Christian groups, we all agree that prayer is important. But when we really look at the lives of Christians we find that many struggle to pray, finding it unenjoyable, finding it uneventful. In this message from Colossians 4:2 Pastor Scott implores us to see the beauty and value of prayer. Prayer is the development of a deep, intimate relationship with God. Prayer is where we realize that God really is our Father and we can come to him to ask, to listen, to just be with Him.
Colossians: Everyday Living
After instructing Christians to do everything in the name of Jesus, the Apostle Paul brings the instruction down to their everyday lives. The good news of Jesus affects our marriages, our parenting and our work. Pastor Scott unpacks Colossians 3:18-4:1 touching on these topics along with the issues of submission and slavery.
Colossians: Everything in Jesus' Name
Pastor Scott preaches on Colossians 3:17 reminding us to do everything in the name of Jesus. What does it mean to do everything in His name? We direct our thoughts upward, we cultivate a life of thankfulness, we realize the power needed to act and think like Jesus flows from God and not ourselves.
Colossians: Dwelling with Christ
Pastor Scott walks us through Colossians 3:16 which commands us to let the word of God dwell in us richly. It is important for us to have a posture to not just hear or read the word of God but to receive it. Through the Scriptures we are not simply gaining stories, sayings or knowledge but we should be seeing and experiencing the revelation of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
Colossians: Importance of Forgiveness
Many Christians get tripped up on their walk with Jesus through not forgiving those that have wronged them. Although it's not as overt as lust, pride, anger, this can lead to a bitterness that tramples on our joy, love and satisfaction in God. In this message from Colossians 3:12-15, Pastor Scott preaches about the importance of forgiveness. Jesus was wronged himself but he responded with meekness instead of anger or bitterness. We need to ask God to flood our hearts with His love so that we can truly forgive from our hearts those that have hurt us.
Colossians: Our Common Identity
When we become new in Christ He renews our minds to begin to think like God does. In the family of God there are no distinctions and categories that separate and divide. The Gospel demolishes racism and prejudice and bigotry. The Spirit awakens the heart to see all people as created equal, all people as made in God's image, all people as sacred. Jesus taught us to"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you." (Luke 6:27-28) This kind of love can break the cycle of racism one person at a time. In this message Pastor Scott preaches from Colossians 3:9-11 talking about all this and especially how in the church all our differences fade as we realize our common identity in Christ.
Colossians: Putting Sin Away
Pastor Scott begins this message with a reflection and prayer on the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. He then preaches from Colossians 3:5-9 about how God wants us to put away all evil practices and thoughts from our minds & lives. What do these things look like in our lives and how do we battle against them? Why is it so important to battle against these earthly temptations?
Colossians: Set Your Mind
In Colossians 3:1-4 we are taught that we should not let our hearts & minds be occupied by the things of the world, but to set our minds on the things above. In this message Pastor Scott unpacks the challenges of setting our minds on the things of God. The reality is the world is moving in one direction and we are trying to move in the opposite direction. We need to remember that it is a battle to set our minds on Jesus.