God wants us to bloom in the aspect of being sacrificial in the way we live. If we meditate on what Jesus gave for us, so that we might live, it naturally makes us want to give back to Him. Pastor Scott exhorts us not to devalue sacrifice, and to develop hearts that burn to do something costly to honor God. He offers up several practical ways we can give to God through our time, money, attitudes, and actions.
Bloom: Pure
The Bible isn't silent about sexual purity. It can be difficult to talk about purity in a culture so desensitized to sexuality. How can we bloom in purity, in a sex-saturated society? We must agree with God's view of what is right and wrong, and treat God and His Word as if He really is God. Pastor Scott offers up scriptural references and a strong exhortation to fear God, and to flee immorality. He gives some practical applications to the biblical commands, to help us stay pure.
Bloom: Steadfast
The scriptural quality of steadfastness that God wants to nurture in us means being firm, sure, unwavering, firmly rooted and fixed in Christ. When trouble comes, God wants constancy in our walk with Him. Suffering is promised to us, and we are called to be steadfast in the middle of trials. It is easy to get frustrated, complain, or withdraw from God and people when we are faced with different kinds of troubles. Pastor Scott explores the concept of being steadfast, and offers up practical ways that we can respond to the trials in our lives that God uses to mold our character.
Bloom: Truthful
Being truthful is foundational in the sanctification process. We must be willing to embrace truth and not harden our hearts against it. Pastor Scott explores the concept of repentance, and explains how Satan wants to deceive us concerning shallow vs. deep repentance. Shallow repentance results in a shallow relationship with God, whereas deep repentance brings us into a deep, intimate relationship with God. Only deep repentance, complete honesty with God (who searches and knows our real heart-motives), and a ruthless removal of sin allows the Holy Spirit to work in us and change us over the course of our lives.
Bloom: Prayerful
God's desire is for us to burst into full bloom spiritually, and Pastor Scott delivers a powerful exhortation about prayer. A deep, intimate, and effective prayer life is God's will for us. Despite all the promises in scripture that accompany prayer, we neglect it at times. Scott explores different obstacles that we must work through in order to have a deeper prayer life, encouraging us not to compartmentalize prayer, but to allow it to permeate every part of our lives.
Bloom: Introduction
Pastor Scott introduces a new series concerning the motivation of our hearts as we pursue God. God always wants to bring us somewhere, not to stay just where we are right now. He has much more in mind: for us to grow and bloom in Him. We can be saved, but remain stagnant and unfruitful in our lives. This upcoming series will address issues such as extracting sin, perseverance, meekness, standing firm and rooted in deep communion with God, prayer, forgiveness, trusting God, purity, work ethic, and other topics that explore and reveal the work we are responsible for, in our partnership with God in the process of sanctification. Our lives are no longer our own. We should desire to live a life for God in full bloom.