Who is He? | Part 1
Nate Pracht
May 4, 2014
In this message Pastor Nate begins the series on the Holy Spirit by exploring who the Bible says he is. The Holy Spirit is not a thing, but a person. He is not an angel, but he is God. It is the Holy Spirit that comes inside of us and makes us Christians and gives us the power needed to live our lives for God. Special encouragement by Pastor Scott included at the end.
scriptures cited:
John 3
Romans 8:26
Deuteronomy 6:4
Galatians 4:6
Ephesians 1
John 14:16-17
Romans 8:11
Hearing His Voice | Part 2
Scott Axtmann
May 11, 2014
Can we really hear the voice of God? In this sermon Pastor Scott looks at how the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us. It is not a booming voice, but it is a still, small voice that leads us and guides us. There are practices we can do in our lives to pave the way to hear the voice of God.
I Corinthians 2:9-14
Walking in the Spirit | Part 3
Scott Axtmann
May 18, 2014
Too often Christians try to live their lives on their own power. They focus not on inward transformation but appearing outwardly good. In this message Pastor Scott preaches about walking in the Spirit and the work that the Spirit does inside of believers. He helps us to overcome what Galatians calls the "works of the flesh" so that we can become more like Christ. There are things we can do each day to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not just cheer us on but gives us the strength we need.
Galatians 5:16-25
Be Filled | Part 4
Scott Axtmann
May 25, 2014
God's desire is for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is not a one time filling but a life of being continuously filled. When we try to live on our own power we end up frustrated, discouraged and cynical. God wants us to know him, know he is near, to be filled with his love and power, to experience His presence. This isn't a religious exercise but an ongoing life-changing experience.
Ephesians 5:18